At ESEA Hub, we want to grow sustainable ESEA infrastructures to support our community and are in the process of developing this ESEA Scholars’ Corner.
One strand of work is to develop a ‘Critical’ ESEA Scholars network that will enable us to build a community where we can support each other through collaborative work, showcase each other’s research, provide each other with opportunities and also nurture a network of support and care within a system that was not built for us. In the context of epistemic injustices where colonial modes of knowledge production still harm us and our communities, we want to wrest control over the way we are represented in academic work and to ensure that research on ESEA communities is first and foremost made by us and for us.
At the same time, we also want to develop new narratives to educate ourselves and wider society about ESEA communities and histories in the UK and contribute to other emerging infrastructures.
Therefore, another strand of work is that, specifically, as part of ESEA Heritage Month, launched by BESEAN (and despite the objections that can be raised in response to such initiatives), we still believe it is worth developing resources to share with universities and workplaces to inspire and support them to host ESEA HM events via knowledge that comes from ESEA scholars / community members.
Part of this project is the ESEA Mini-Talk Series, where we hope to release each month, a video by a ‘Critical’ ESEA academic on an aspect of work that they would like to spotlight. We hope to raise awareness of ESEA academics and their work, while enabling ESEA Scholars to enhance the cultural value and impact of their work by bringing it to a wider audience.
What is the ESEA Scholars Corner?