Workshop collaboration with Claire Chou Doran
This is a two-part participatory workshop series, designed and hosted by Claire Chou Doran, Senior Consultant at The Social Change Agency.
The first workshop will be online, and introduce conflict transformation as an approach to navigating conflicts in social movements. The workshop will consist of a presentation, followed by Q&A and prompts for discussion in breakout rooms.
The second workshop will be in-person and practical, introducing principles of conflict transformation and practicing basic skills with a smaller group.
No prior knowledge or experience is required to attend these workshops, which will be participatory.
2 December 2021, Thursday, 5-7pm
Online via Zoom
“Stick Together To Make A Crowd: Transforming Conflict To Build Movements”
Limited spaces. To reserve your slot, register here.
This 2-hour introductory workshop introduces conflict transformation as an approach to navigating conflicts that aims to meet diverse needs and foster mutual understanding.
Locate the unique challenges to building anti-racist solidarity in the context of white supremacy
Introduce conflict transformation as a particular approach in a broader range of conflict management strategies
Discuss conflicts that arise in social movements, particularly around values and identity
6 December 2021, Monday, 2-4.30pm
In person at City, University of London
“Basic Conflict Transformation Skills for Building Movements”
Limited spaces. To reserve your slot, register here.
This 2.5 hour skills workshop focuses on introducing basic skills and principles of conflict transformation and with a smaller group. This workshop is aimed at building individuals’ capacity to work constructively with conflict through individual reflection and group exercises.
Introduce peacebuilding and conflict transformation approaches
Assess personal conflict management styles and explore strengths and weaknesses
Provide tools and approaches to support individuals navigating conflict, and collectively practice some basic skills
Some questions we’ll explore are:
What is your usual conflict management style? Where did you learn it from? How can it be effective, and how can it backfire?
What assumptions and biases do you have about how others approach conflict?
When you are in conflict, who in your community could support you? Could they support your accountability?
Facilitator Bio
Claire Chou Doran (they/them) is a Senior Consultant at The Social Change Agency with 15+ years of peacebuilding experience. They specialise in intercultural conflict transformation with a regional focus in the Asia/Pacific region, and are currently an Associate of Asia Art Activism. They have worked on migrant and diasporic organising, documenting the stories of international women peacemakers, interfaith dialogue, community mediation, and design justice. Claire holds an MA in Peace Studies and an undergraduate degree in Peace and Conflict Studies.