British East and Southeast Asian Wikipedia Page
Lifted from the Wikipedia Page on British East and Southeast Asian:
The term East and Southeast Asian has emerged in a UK context where the category 'Asian' is predominantly used to refer to those from a South Asian background. It has been adopted to replace the derogatory racialised term 'Oriental'. The term has gained currency following the outbreak of COVID-19 which led to a rise in anti-Asian racial violence and the creation of a number of groups that have organised under the ESEA term. However, pan-ethnic mass mobilisation among East and Southeast Asians in the UK has longer histories – such as Mulan Theatre, New Earth Theatre (formerly Yellow Earth Theatre) and BEATS (British East & South East Asians in the Screen & Stage Industry) in the arts.
A 2020 pilot study of East and Southeast Asian people in the United Kingdom found that close to 95% of respondents identify or feel comfortable with the term British East and Southeast Asian (BESEA) or East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) to describe their identity. In a 2021 article exploring an East and Southeast Asian identity in the Britain, Diana Yeh describes ESEA as a 'pan-Asian' political identity and alliance which has grown out of wider anti-racist organising in Britain.
See more on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_East_and_Southeast_Asian !