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Butterflies and Resistance: Creative activism against persistent colonial gaze on East and Southeast Asian women by Dr. Wing Fai Leung, King's College London


ESEA Lecture Series - March 2024

Butterflies and Resistance: Creative activism against persistent colonial gaze on East and Southeast Asian women

by Dr. Wing Fai Leung, King's College London

This short lecture provokes discussion about the harmful white saviour/lotus blossom romance trope found in Giacomo Puccini’s opera ‘Madama Butterfly’, the popular musical ‘Miss Saigon’ and many other iterations in films, television, and cultural products originated from the Global North. The talk will then analyze the significance of recent activism initiated by creatives in the UK and beyond, ranging from short film production, and new writing, to the boycotting of the Sheffield Crucible because it staged ‘Miss Saigon’.

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